If you’ve been bitten by a dog in Norfolk, you know that such incidents not only cause physical harm but also emotional distress, making it essential to hold the owner accountable for damages. With over 50 years of experience, our firm has been a trusted advocate for personal injury victims in Virginia since 1972. We understand the complexities of dog bite cases and are committed to holding responsible parties accountable to secure fair compensation for you.

Injured By a Dog in Norfolk? Our Lawyers Can Help You Hold the Owner Accountable

Dog bites can lead to serious injuries and infections, requiring immediate and sometimes ongoing medical treatment. At Tronfeld West & Durrett, our personal injury lawyers in Norfolk specialize in helping victims navigate the complex legal landscape after such incidents, assisting you and your family in several ways:

  • Providing a thorough assessment of your case to determine its viability.
  • Gathering evidence to support your claim and build a strong case.
  • Negotiating with insurance companies to secure fair compensation for your injuries.
  • Representing you in court if the insurance company is unwilling to offer a fair settlement.

With our experienced team of attorneys by your side, you can focus on recovery while we handle all the legal details. We’ll take care of all aspects of the claim, from investigating the accident to crafting a sound legal strategy, defending your case with compelling arguments, and securing fair compensation.

We’re big enough to handle any case – whether it’s small or complex.

For answers to your questions about a dog bite in Norfolk, call:
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Common Causes of Dog Bites

Dog bites can happen unexpectedly, often in situations where they might seem unlikely. However, understanding the root causes of these incidents is crucial to determining who is responsible and holding them accountable.

In Virginia, we have seen how dog bite cases often stem from several common factors:

Lack of Proper Training

A significant number of dog bites occur when an animal lacks proper training or socialization. Dogs that are not trained to interact with people or other pets can react unpredictably, especially in stressful or unfamiliar situations. This lack of training can result in aggressive behaviors that put both the dog and others at risk.

As dog bite attorneys, we investigate whether the dog owner failed to provide adequate training or socialization, which could make them liable for any injuries caused.

Owner Negligence

Negligent behavior by the dog owner is a frequent contributor to dog bite incidents. This could include failing to use a leash, not properly securing the dog within their property, or ignoring prior signs of aggressive behavior.

In Virginia, dog owners are legally obligated to control their pets and prevent them from causing harm to others, as outlined in Virginia dog bite laws. When owners neglect these responsibilities, they may be held accountable for the resulting injuries.

Provocation or Fear

Even the most docile dogs can bite if they feel threatened or provoked. A sudden movement, an unexpected approach by a child, or an unfamiliar situation can trigger a defensive reaction from a dog.

Poor Health or Injury

Dogs that are ill or in pain may become irritable or aggressive, leading to an increased risk of biting. Medical conditions can significantly alter a dog’s behavior, causing them to react negatively to even minimal stimuli.

Owners must be aware of these risks and take appropriate steps to prevent their dog from becoming a danger to others. In cases where the owner fails to act responsibly, they may be considered negligent and liable for the damages caused.

How to Know If You Have a Case After a Dog Bite in Norfolk: Who Is Responsible?

The dog bite laws in Virginia hold owners accountable if they knew or should’ve known about their dog’s aggressive tendencies, often referred to as the “one-bite rule.” This implies that an owner becomes liable if the dog has previously shown signs of aggression or has bitten someone.

However, premises liability extends beyond this scenario. Virginia law also recognizes an owner’s negligence, such as failing to leash or control their dog, as grounds for a lawsuit. If an owner’s failure to exercise reasonable care directly results in your injury, you likely have a case. 

Additionally, it’s important to note that if you were trespassing or provoking the dog at the time of the incident, your ability to claim compensation could diminish. Virginia’s contributory negligence doctrine (as outlined in § 8.01-58 of the Virginia Code) means that if you share any fault in the incident, you can be completely barred from recovering damages.

Given the complexities of establishing liability in dog bite cases, consulting with a personal injury lawyer who has experience with Virginia’s dog bite laws is crucial. At Tronfeld West & Durrett, we can guide you through the legal system, evaluate the specifics of your case, and identify the best strategy to seek compensation for your injuries.

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Financial Compensation Options Following a Dog Attack: Don’t Settle for Less Than You Deserve

Virginia Code § 3.2-6538 empowers local authorities to enact ordinances requiring dogs to be confined or restrained to prevent them from running at large. In Norfolk, victims of dog bites can pursue compensation when an owner violates these regulations and their dog injures them, covering various damages such as:

Medical Expenses Coverage

Medical treatment for dog bites can be extensive, especially if the incident caused catastrophic injuries. Victims are entitled to compensation for all medical-related expenses, including emergency care, hospital stays, medication, rehabilitation, ongoing treatment, and other long-term care costs.

Lost Wages Compensation

If a dog bite forces you to miss work, you can claim compensation for lost wages and future earning potential. This takes into account various factors, including your current earnings, potential future raises, and opportunities for career advancement that are now out of reach due to the dog bite.

Pain and Suffering Damages

Compensation for pain and suffering addresses the physical and emotional distress caused by the dog bite. For example, you can claim compensation for physical pain, emotional distress, and psychological trauma (such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, and more).


Severe dog bites can lead to disfigurement, having lasting effects on your quality of life and warranting compensation for the physical and psychological impact of the injury.

For an idea of the compensation amounts you might expect, we invite you to explore our case results and discuss your specific circumstances with us: we’ll be able to give you real case settlements on cases similar to yours, based on our experience.

Complete a Free Case Evaluation form now

Understanding the Consequences of Dog Bite Injuries

We know that dog bite injuries are not just physical wounds; they can leave lasting scars—both visible and invisible—that affect the victim’s quality of life. The consequences can range from severe physical injuries that require long-term medical treatment to emotional trauma that lingers long after the physical wounds have healed.

Overall, these are the injuries we’ll consider for your dog bite claim.

Physical Injuries

Beyond puncture wounds, lacerations, and bruises, bites can lead to more severe damage, including nerve injuries, fractures, and even amputations in extreme cases. Infections, such as rabies or tetanus, are also a serious risk, especially if the wound is not promptly and properly treated.

Victims may require extensive medical treatment, including surgeries, rehabilitation, and ongoing care, to recover fully.

Emotional and Psychological Trauma

Victims, particularly children, may experience anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and a lingering fear of dogs or public spaces. These psychological effects can interfere with daily life, work, and personal relationships, necessitating therapy and counseling to aid recovery.

Our legal team understands these challenges and works to secure compensation that covers both the immediate and long-term consequences of dog bite injuries.

The Unique Nature of Child Dog Bites

Children are especially vulnerable in dog bite cases, both physically and emotionally. Due to their smaller size and often limited ability to defend themselves, children are more likely to suffer serious injuries in a dog attack. Additionally, a child’s emotional and psychological development can be severely impacted by such a traumatic event, potentially affecting their confidence, social interactions, and overall mental health for years to come.

In such circumstances, our legal strategies must consider not only the immediate medical expenses but also the long-term impacts on the child’s development and future quality of life. At Tronfeld West & Durrett, we work tirelessly to ensure that families receive comprehensive compensation that reflects the full scope of the harm suffered by their children.

FAQs About Dog Bites in Norfolk

Can You Sue for a Dog Bite in Virginia?

Yes, Virginia law allows victims of dog bites to sue the responsible party for damages if the owner’s negligence led to the attack.

How Much Money Can I Get from a Dog Bite?

The amount of compensation varies based on the specific circumstances of each case, including the severity of the injuries, medical costs, lost wages, and other factors. Our lawyers will assess all relevant factors to determine an appropriate compensation amount.

Can You Sue a Police Dog for Biting You?

Suing over a police dog bite can be complex due to certain legal immunities. However, this is dependent on the circumstances of the incident, and our lawyers will answer this question after understanding your case’s details.

How Much Should I Settle for a Dog Bite?

Settlement amounts should cover all current and future expenses related to the injury, and the amount will depend on the severity of your injuries and their impact on your life. Our attorneys consult with experts to accurately calculate the full cost of your damages and ensure you don’t settle for less.

Why You Need a Knowledgeable Lawyer at Tronfeld West & Durrett to Handle Your Dog Bite Case in Norfolk

At Tronfeld West & Durrett, our lawyers have a deep understanding of Virginia’s personal injury laws and a proven track record of success. With our extensive experience and personalized approach, we’re equipped to handle even the most challenging cases, ensuring you don’t have to face this difficult time alone.

If you’ve suffered a dog bite in Norfolk, don’t hesitate to contact us today. We’re here to provide the personalized attention and expert guidance you need to pursue full and fair compensation for your dog bite injuries.

Call or text 800-321-6741 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form