$3,025,000 Settlement – Plaintiffs claim road workers waved driver through red light

Excerpt from Virginia Lawyers Weekly.

October 29, 2012 – The plaintiffs were traveling through an intersection near Williamsburg when the Defendant 1 ran a red light and collided with the plaintiffs’ vehicle. At the time of the accident, Defendant 2 was involved in performing commercial activity at the intersection. Defendant 1 alleged employees working for Defendant 2 waived her through the intersection in disregard of the red light. Defendant 2 disputed its employee waived Defendant 1 into the intersection and that the traffic light was red. An independent witness corroborated the testimony of the Plaintiffs that Defendant 1 entered the intersection on a red light and employees of Defendant 2 were direct-ing vehicles into the in-tersection in disregard of the red traffic light. The plaintiffs were prepared to offer expert testimony that the employees of Defendant 2 violated Virginia Code § 46.2-834 and numerous sections of the Virginia Work Area Protection Manual regarding work zone area signage requirements and intersection traffic control requirements.

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